Sermon Archive
Previous Sunday Service Information and Sermons 2022-2023
Sermon "What Comes After Silent Night?" Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on Luke 2: 22-40

Message "An Inclusive Birth Story" Rev. Monica Banks
December 24, 2023
Christmas Eve
Sermon "How Can This Be?" Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on Luke 1: 26-38
Sermon "Light of God" Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on John 1: 6-8, 19-28
Sermon "Prepare the Way of the Lord" Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on Mark 1: 1-8
Sermon "Keep the Light On!" Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on Mark 13: 24-37
Sermon "Reign of Christ" Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on Matthew 25: 31-46
Sermon "I Do Not Know You" Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on Matthew 25: 1-13
Sermon "The Way" Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on Matthew 23: 1-12
Sermon "The Greatest Commandment" Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on Matthew 22: 34-46
Sermon "Keep On Doing These Things" Rev. Robert Cook
Sermon read by Beth Sweeney and is based on Matthew 22: 15-22
Sermon "Not an Ordinary Dinner Party" Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on Matthew 22: 1-14
Sermon "It's A Trap!" Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on Matthew 21: 33-46
Sermon "Risky Business" Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on Matthew 21: 23-32
Sermon "God's Labor Laws" Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on Matthew 20: 1-16
Sermon "The Gift that Keeps Giving" Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on Matthew 18: 21-35
No recording this week.
Sermon "Among Us" Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on Matthew 18: 15-20
Sermon "Never on Sunday: Ruth" Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on Ruth 1: 1-18
Sermon "Never on Sunday: Huldah" Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on 2 Kings 22: 14-20
Sermon "Never on Sunday: Rachel" Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on Genesis 29: 10-11, 17-18
Sermon "Never on Sunday: Junia" Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on Romans 16:7
Sermon "Revolutionary Midwifery" Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on Exodus 1: 15-21
Sermon "Never on a Sunday - Tamar" Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on 2 Samuel 13
Sermon "Sowing Seeds of Love" Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on Matthew 13: 1-9, 18-23
Sermon "Sacred Rest..." Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on Matthew 11: 16-19, 25-30
Sermon "In the name of..." Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on Matthew 10: 40-42
Sermon - Beth Sweeney Selection
Pastor Monica is away and Beth Sweeney will be filling in
Sermon "Letting Jesus Be Our Guide"
Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on Matthew 9:35-10:8. Note that the title is different than the one in the bulletin.
Sermon "Getting Your Blessing"
Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on Matthew 9: 9-13, 18-26
Sermon "Trinity Sunday"
Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon "Now What?"
Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on Acts 2: 1-21
Sermon "Ascension Sunday"
Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on John 17: 1-11
Sermon "The Unimaginable Companion"
Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on John 14: 15-21
Sermon "Greater Than"
Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on John 14: 1-14
Sermon "Re-orienting of Christian Community"
Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on Acts 2: 42-47
Sermon "Emmaus Eyes"
Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on Luke 24: 13-35
Sermon "Seeing the Possibility"
Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on John 20:19-31
Sermon "I Have Seen The Lord"
Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on John 20-1-18
Sermon "God Help Us!"
Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on Matthew 21: 1-11
No recording this week.
Sermon "How Much Will We Risk?"
Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on John 11: 1-45
Sermon "Good Enough for Jesus"
Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on John 9: 1-41
Sermon "No Shame"
Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on John 4: 5-42
Sermon "A New Lens for the Familiar"
Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on John 3: 1-17
Sermon "The Wilderness Experience"
Rev. Robert Cook
Sermon read by Beth Sweeney
Sermon "Transfiguration Sunday"
Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on Matthew 17: 1-9
Sermon "The Greatest Commandment"
Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on Matthew 5: 21-37
Sermon "Good Seasoning"
Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on Matthew 5: 13-20
Sermon "Sermon on the Mount"
Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on Matthew 5: 1-12
Sermon "Get in! We're Going Fishing!!"
Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on Matthew 12: 12-23
Sermon "God's Call"
Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on John 1: 29-42 and Isaiah 49: 1-7
Sermon "Follow Your Star"
Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on Matthew 2: 1-12
Sermon "Star Word/Epiphany Sunday"
Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on Luke 2: 15-21
Sermon "The Traditional Smells of Christmas"
Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon based on Luke 2: 1-14
Message "A Baby Is Born"
Rev. Monica Banks
Christmas Eve Worship
Sermon "Love and Love Some More"
Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon is based on Matthew 1: 18-25
Sermon "Finding Joy"
Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon is based on Matthew 11: 2-11
Sermon "What we Don't See"
Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon is based on Matthew 3: 1-12
Sermon "Are We Willing"
Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon is based on Isaiah 2: 1-5 and Matthew 24: 36-44
Sermon "Who is deserving"
Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon is based on Luke 23: 33-43
Sermon "It's A Wheat and Tares World"
Rev. Robert Cook - read by Beth Sweeney
Sermon is based on Matthew 13: 24-30
Sermon "There is no There only here!"
REv. Monica Banks
Sermon is based on Luke 20: 27-38
Sermon "We are never ever, well, maybe..."
REv. Monica Banks
Sermon is based on Luke 19: 1-10
Sermon "Read Kin-dom Building"
REv. Monica Banks
Sermon is based on Luke 18: 9-14
Sermon "Persistence Pays Off"
REv. Monica Banks
Sermon is based on Luke 18: 1-8
Sermon "Nine to One"
REv. Monica Banks
Sermon is based on Luke 17: 11-19
Sermon "More Cowbell, I mean Faith!"
REv. Monica Banks
Sermon is based on Luke 17: 5- 10
Sermon "It's Not A Competition"
REv. Monica Banks
Sermon is based on James 1: 27
Sermon "Get Creative"
REv. Monica Banks
Sermon "It's Not Easy This Journey"
REv. Monica Banks
Sermon by Rev. Robert L. Cook
read by Beth Sweeney
"The Circle of Love" - Sermon by Rev. Robert L. Cook
read by Beth Sweeney
"Not the Prince of Peace?" - Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon is based on Luke 12: 49-56
Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon is based on Hebrews 11: 1-3, 8-16
Sermon: "Prove In Practice"
Rev. Robert L. Cook (Read by Beth Sweeney)
Sermon is based on Romans 12: 1-2
Sermon: "Prayer as Action"
Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon is based on Luke 11:1-13
Sermon: "Can One Human Change the WOrld?"
Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon is based on Genesis 18: 1-10a
Sermon: "Priorities"
Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon is based on Luke 10: 25-37
Sermon: "A Lesson in Serving"
Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon is based on Luke 10: 1-11,16-20
Sermon not posted this week.
Sermon: "A List of Reasons
Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon is based on Luke 9: 51-62
Sermon not loaded due to poor video quality
Sermon: "No Suffering Is Too Great to Be Healed -
Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon is based on Luke 8:26-39
Sermon: "Where does my/our Truth come from?" -
Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon is based on John 16:12-15
Sermon: "Reigniting the Fire Within" - Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon is based on Acts 2: 1-21
Sermon: "Ascension" - Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon is based on Luke 24: 44-53
Sermon: "God's Invitation to Be a Learned People" -
Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon is based on 1 Kings 4:29-34
Sermon: "People of Shalom" - Beth Sweeney
Sermon was written by Beth’s mom, Joyce Cook. Beth’s father was an ordained pastor and her mom occasionally filled the pulpit as well.
Sermon: "Solomon's Porch" - Rev. Monica Banks
The internet was down at church on Sunday so the sermon was not recorded. Apologies to those looking for it.
Sermon: "Breakfast with Jesus" - Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon: "Still We Rise" - Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon: "The Silence Speaks" - Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon: "How Much is Too Much?" - Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon: "What kind of love is this?" - Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon: "Make Room for Grace - Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon: "Not Like a Fox but Like a Hen" - Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon: "Wilderness Learnings" - Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon: "Transfiguration Sunday: Revealing the Gospel" - Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon: "bigly forgiveness" - Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon: "The God of Upside Down & Topsy Turvey" - Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon: "We get this so wrong..." - Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon: "Now What???" - Rev. Monica Banks
Sermon: "Say What?" - Rev. Monica Banks
Apologies – Sermon will not be posted due to barking dog :).
Sermon: "Jesus' Time" - Rev. Monica Banks
January 9, 2022
Today we will discuss our Star Words and receive new ones for the year
Sermon: "The Ultimate Gift" - Rev. Monica Banks
The sermon is not online because it contained a clip of a TV show – while we could play it, we can’t include it here due to copyright reasons. The point of showing it was to share the expression of love between people that were not expecting it.