We invite you to worship with us on Sunday morning at 10 AM. ALL are welcome to worship and partake in communion at the Lord's Table.

Worship Experience
Our current worship features live music from our talented musician, Matt Dohm, scripture readings, sermon, and Holy Communion. We enjoy the fellowship before and after worship and have had new comers even during COVID. We would love to welcome you too! We are in the sanctuary and on Zoom!

While music on Zoom is difficult unless pre-recorded, our Music Director played and led us in hymns we could sing at home when we were on Zoom-only. We have been back in the sanctuary and our choir performs during Lent and Advent. We are always looking for new singers and musicians to join us. We have special music throughout the year.

Spiritual Support
We have study and discussion groups during Advent and Lent, typically using material from the SALT Project or a book. Our Pastor is available to meet with those in need of special spiritual support – contact us if you need an appointment.