Our Fellowship Activities Throughout the Year

Annual Picnic
Each year we get together at the end of summer for our annual picnic, typically hosted at a park or one of our congregants who has a pool! We play bingo, eat a lot of good food, and have other games for fun!

Bethany Beach Retreat
Each fall, typically the first weekend in October, we hold our annual retreat at Bethany Beach! This is a great time for fellowship, relaxation, and reflection. We have not resumed this since the pandemic but we may soon.

Potluck Luncheons
We love food! We have many pot luck luncheons throughout the year. We were timing them for when there was a 5th Sunday in the month. Other times we have held them for special occasions like baby showers and Valentine’s Day.

Baseball Games
We are lucky to have a minor league baseball team in Frederick. Sometime we get group tickets and go to a Frederick Keys game. It is a nice way to spend an afternoon together, eating and cheering on the team!

Halloween Parties
We like to have fun so we have held Halloween parties after worship on a Sunday near Halloween. We have games, prizes and of course – food! The mummy wrap is a popular game that gets many laughs!

Christmas Caroling
2020 was a good year to start Christmas caroling again. We traveled to Homewood in Frederick to visit some of our congregants that have been homebound. We sang carols up to their balconies, stayed socially distant, and wore masks when near non-household members. It really brought cheer to our ladies and was fun to get out of the house and do some good.